Friday, October 2, 2009

Maddie "My" Menace....

Ok it comes, A NEW POST!! Holy hoot it's been almost an entire year since my last post. I really, really struggle sometimes. Ah well, here's to trying again. And again. And again I suppose. Thank goodness that most of you know me well enough to be able to laugh at my flakiness!! :)

I have decided the theme for this post is gonna be my little Maddie the Menace! Yes, we have actually talked about changing her name to this....

For those lucky enough to know this "FIREBALL" of a kid...count yourself among the lucky. She is one special little woman! From tantrums on the kitchen floor (see pic on the left, these happen daily at our place), to the snap in Z formation while telling me to "get outta my space mom", to stuffing enormous amounts of food into her cheeks until she either chokes or throws it all up (for some reason she thinks this is just hilarious)....this is my daughter! All of 4 years old....she already thinks she doesn't need anyone. In a recent conversation with Maddie, we got to discussing the fact that she wanted to "just live alone". Now keep in mind this wasn't a rational discussion as she happened to be ranting....and somehow, amidst the screams and tears I was able to get this funny conversation out of her....

Maddie: "I just want to live ALONE"
Mom: "Hmm, well, that doesn't sound like fun. Who would make you dinner Maddie?
Maddie, appalled: "I can feed MYSELF"
Mom: "Well, who would you play with? That sounds lonely"
Maddie, appalled again: "Duh mom, my toys"
Mom: "Well, who would tuck you in at night? And who would be there to kiss you when you were scared" heh heh heh (I thought)

These sure are the moments aren't they! The list of the things this gal says and the things she comes up with well....I could go on and on! (You'll have to post any comments of "Maddie stories" if you have any!) Anyway, with Maddie the Menace in full force all the time at our place, here is what I do know....I know, that despite her stubborn, strong willed, attitude driven personality she is one of the BEST things in my life. To know this to LOVE this kid! I feel lucky to be her mom and wish that everyone could always see her as I do! She's a tough act but soooo worth getting to know and love. Once in your heart....this kid is there to stay. So today, and everyday, I thank the Lord for my Maddie the Menace! May you all be so lucky to have someone as great as her in your life!! LUBS!


Ashley Bogard said...

Hey! I added you to my blog list, now we can stay even more in touch! mine is

Amber said...

I love the pic's...too cute! Thanks for sharing!

Morgi's Mommy said...

OH Maddie MOO!!! I SERIOUSLY LOVE THIS KID!!! I'll trade you straight across for morgi! HAHAHA! Can't decide which is worse....Morgi THE DRAMA QUEEN or Maddie the menace!! HEHE! Love you guys!